We need late term abortion for the sake of genocide

By Tom Quiner

What a beautiful day.

Karen and I took a leisurely walk through the park late Saturday afternoon. I like hot summer days. This was one of them.

We were removed from the sounds of the city, allowing us to soak in the rich sounds of summer.

As we walked along the quiet bike trail, an occasional biker would pass us with a cry of “on your left!” We didn’t see any other walkers until we headed back, when we encountered two men, one of whom was pushing a double baby carriage.

The man pushing the carriage looked like the grandpa, the other, the father of the twins.

Of course, Karen and I stopped to admire the babies who couldn’t have been more than a few months old.

They were both beautiful. They had Downs Syndrome.

After cooing over the boys a few minutes, we moved on.

As we walked, Karen and I discussed the challenge the parents will have raising two children with Downs Syndrome at the same time.

Our nephew, Danny, was born with Downs Syndrome. We have friends and acquaintances with Downs children.

And yet they love them the same as their other children. Lovability isn’t predicated by perfection.

I didn’t think anymore about the encounter in the park until I read a USA editorial last night. They were making a repugnant case for late term abortion so parents with “defective” fetuses could have a human abortion performed.

Here is how they made their case:

“Moreover, many grave, even lethal fetal anomalies aren’t discovered until or near 20 weeks, at which point some women decide to terminate a pregnancy. Bans will prevent reputable doctors from performing those abortions, leaving a void that criminals such as Gosnell will slither in to fill.

While some genetic conditions, such as Down syndrome, can be detected with amniocentesis at 16 to 22 weeks, even then it can take two weeks to get results. Add specialists, research and time to reflect, and a 20-week ban forces women and couples to make heartrending decisions against a ticking clock.

The operating principle, according to the USA editorial board, is that imperfection is an especially good reason to end a human life.

The Democratic Party supports the principle. Texas legislator, Wendy Davis, is leading the charge in the Lone Star state to keep the genocidal practice of late term abortion alive.

Genocidal? Yes, genocidal. Since science discovered a way to identify those children who carry that distinctive, extra chromosome, children with Downs Syndrome began to disappear. Up to 95% of them are aborted before they ever have a chance to make their mark on the world.

If that’s not genocide, what is?



  1. LSBlogger on July 8, 2013 at 1:29 pm

    This is a very disheartening issue. I have experience teaching students with special needs on all levels and know that every child is special in his own way. I really hate that science has led us to this.

    • quinersdiner on July 8, 2013 at 1:58 pm

      It is disheartening, but not hopeless. People like you who see the humanity in every person, even if they have special needs, make such a difference. I bet you have influenced many, many people on this issue in ways you may never realize. Thanks for writing. Please come again.

  2. Shawn Pavlik on July 8, 2013 at 11:21 pm

    Hitler would be proud. I say that honestly. My family and I visited the Holocaust Museum in DC on our family vacation a couple weeks ago. I always knew how evil Hitler was but seeing that….it boggled the mind.

  3. oarubio on July 16, 2013 at 10:45 am

    There was also a madman in the 1930s and until 1945 who had a similar, sinister view of what constituted acceptable quality human beings. Odd how the “pro-choice” proponents are offended when their obvious association with Adolf is mentioned.

    • quinersdiner on July 16, 2013 at 10:51 am

      I agree with you, and, yes, it is definitely a conversation ender once his name is invoked! Thanks for writing.