The addled thinking of a liberal's mind
By Tom Quiner
Here’s another one of those letters.
You know the type. An indignant liberal bloviates about pro lifers’ lack of compassion for all of humanity, except for the pre born. That in order to be truly pro life, goes the thinking, you have to conform your thinking to mimic that of the priesthood of liberal elites.
This appeared in this morning’s Des Moines Register:
“Those who say they care for the unborn have raised their voices in recent years. I would like to add my voice, if I could. I care that too many of the unborn:
[Note how he uses the word “say.” The suggestion is that we’re a bunch of hypocrites unless we subscribe to the laundry list that follows.]
» Will be stuck in whatever income group they are born into because upward mobility has largely become a myth in America.
[Horrible! Well, why don’t we kill them while in the womb instead and put them out of their misery? That’s a more compassionate approach, huh?]
» Will struggle with health problems throughout their lives because our elected officials have turned a blind eye toward making quality medical care available and affordable to all.
[Horrible! Well, why don’t we kill them while in the womb instead and put them out of their misery? That’s a more compassionate approach, huh?]
» Will struggle to make a living because corporations that once made it possible for families to have one breadwinner have exported well paying jobs overseas in the name of maximizing seven and eight-figure profits.
[Horrible! Well, why don’t we kill them while in the womb instead and put them out of their misery? That’s a more compassionate approach, huh?]
» Will constantly look over their shoulders wondering which person will react violently, draw his or her legal-tocarry Glock, and start shooting.
[Horrible! Well, why don’t we kill them while in the womb instead and put them out of their misery.]
To those who say they care for the unborn: Care for the unborn.”
I fail to see how killing a human being while she is in the womb is “caring for the unborn.” The irony is that the laundry list of ills he lists are largely caused by liberal policy, from high taxes and overregulation, to unionism which prices labor out of the U.S market, forcing companies to relocate.
Regarding the swipe against the Second Amendment, the most dangerous cities in the U.S. are those with the most stringent gun control laws.
Now, despite all of the ills he lists above, the United States of America today is still the best place to be born EVER, whether today, yesterday, or a thousand years ago. To suggest that killing a person in the womb is morally acceptable because someone may be born into less than perfect circumstances is arrogant, repulsive, and, sadly, typically liberal.
The author of that letter to the editor should read Danusha Goska’s recent reflection on love and compassion on the left and on the right:
With that “logic,” someone should “compassionately” put the writer out of his obvious misery. Poor guy, all is lost in his mind because he definitely does believe in an all-loving God.
It sure seems that way, Tony. Honorable people can debate the pros and cons of how cushy or Spartan our societal safety net should be. But this guy’s thinking is ridiculous. He represents millions who believe as he does. Thanks for writing. Great to hear from you.