At least his foreign policy has been good

Is there a lesson here for Republicans? I think there is. I would not get too excited at advancing the cause of a certain conservative Senator who has but two years of experience on the national stage.
We need an experienced adult to try to undo some of the damage the Obama Government has inflicted on the world, not a conservative version of Mr. Obama.

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"Where is the public outrage?"

A liberal is upset:
“Two articles juxtaposed in the Register seemed to sum up the situation in our nation today. One featured the sale of 190 homes in the Des Moines area priced above $500,000. The other cited the fact that working age people now make up the majority of households that rely on food stamps.
The old adage used to be that “the rich get richer and the poor get poorer,” but now it’s the rich get exorbitantly richer and the middle class and the poor get exorbitantly poorer.
Where is the public outrage?”
The letter appeared in the Des Moines Register.
I know the writer, and I’m perplexed …

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Musings on Washington D.C.

Barack Obama has never had to make anything.
He has never built a business.
He has never had to meet a payroll.
For the record, there is nothing wrong with that. His gifts lie in different areas. When you look at the vast expanse of our federal bureaucracy, which consists of some 2,700,000 employees, few of those folks are entrepreneurial in nature either. If they were, the federal bureaucracy is the worst place in the world for them to work, characterized as it is by rigid rules, regulation, and political correctness …

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The politics of revulsion

The public doesn’t like Democrats. They like Republicans even less.

All of this revulsion doesn’t bode well for Republicans in the latest round of “continuing resolution” discussions to fund the government at sequester-spending levels …

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Money does more than talk, it walks

Neil Diamond was wrong. His 1979 hit song, “Forever in Blue Jeans,” famously begins: “Money talks. But it don’t sing and dance and it don’t walk.” Sorry, Neil, money does walk if taxes go up too much.

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