The time has come to abolish the IRS. Here's how …

The time has come to change the way we raise money for the legitimate needs of our government.
Imagine a system that doesn’t require tax returns. The IRS would no longer be needed and would be shut down.
Imagine a system that doesn’t require withholding tax. In other words, imagine a system that lets you keep your entire paycheck, even, and especially if you’re a pensioner.
Imagine a progressive system that eliminates all taxes for people living beneath the poverty level, and yet collects dramatically more money from the wealthiest?

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At least his foreign policy has been good

Is there a lesson here for Republicans? I think there is. I would not get too excited at advancing the cause of a certain conservative Senator who has but two years of experience on the national stage.
We need an experienced adult to try to undo some of the damage the Obama Government has inflicted on the world, not a conservative version of Mr. Obama.

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Thank the rich for picking up your tab

The rich are bad guys.
At least that’s what the liberals/progressives/leftists (LPLs) espouse.
Somehow, it is suggested, that the rich got their bounty on the backs of the rest of us schmucks, that their gains are tainted, even ill-gotten…

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The time for the flat tax has arrived

The simplest and most practical way to simplify the tax code is a flat tax. A flat tax would eliminate most deductions, radically reducing compliance costs. Countries that have moved to flatter taxes experience increases in tax revenues because the private sector re-funnels the time and money they spent on compliance into more productive pursuits.

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In praise of Paul Ryan’s budget

Some conservatives don’t like Paul Ryan’s budget because it doesn’t cut spending enough. Some liberals don’t like Paul Ryan’s budget because it doesn’t raise taxes enough. When both sides are sniping, that’s a good sign it’s a good budget …

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