Is this poster libelous?

By Tom Quiner I ran across this poster on Facebook today with this question:  “Is this poster libelous?” In other words, is it false, and does it bring President Obama into disrepute? You may think that former President Bush was subjected to much worse. But he had a much healthier respect for the First Amendment…

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The Tea Party responds to the president: “the time is now!”

By Tom Quiner [youtube=] The president gave his State of the Union address. He says the “time is now” to make change. The Tea Party movement agrees, only the change they call for is far different than what the president wants. The Tea Party calls for: 1. A budget. It has been 1000 days since…

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How do we create opportunity?

By Tom Quiner Some of the folks participating in the Occupy Wall Street protests have a good point: they need a job. The official unemployment rate continues to hover above nine percent. That number doesn’t reflect another group, the permanently unemployed. These are the folks that have given up looking for a job. When you…

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Occupy Wall Street vs. the Tea Party

By Tom Quiner I’ve heard that the “Occupy Wall Street” ladies and gentlemen call for a $20 minimum wage, free college, open borders, and seizure of assets (via taxation) of America’s productive sector (aka corporations). Vice President Biden compares this movement with the Tea Party Movement. Perhaps he’s right. Both call for a radical change…

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A spot of tea in Indianola

By Lisa Bourne I attended the Tea Party of America’s Restoring America event in at the National Balloon Classic grounds in Indianola, IA on Saturday, September 3. Former Alaska Governor and 2008 Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin was the keynote speaker at the event. Despite previous reports that she would not announce her candidacy for…

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In praise of dysfunction

By Tom Quiner The word disfunction suggests something isn’t working properly. A dysfunctional relationship is one with problems. S & P just downgraded America’s credit rating, justifying it by characterizing our political system as being “dysfunctional.” Along those lines, Massachusetts Senator, John Kerry, characterized the credit downgrade as a “Tea Party downgrade.” The Senator blames…

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The Tea Party vs. the President

By Tom Quiner One simple chart explains everything. Quiner’s Diner’s exclusive Federal Spending for Dummies chart reveals why the Tea Party came into existence. It quickly reveals why the Tea Party changed the debate in Washington from how much will we increase spending to how much can we cut spending? The chart shows how much…

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Why the Tea Party movement is weird

By Tom Quiner This is the way our system works: Teachers want more money for schools (and salaries, of course). Defense contractors want more money for defense. Social justice advocates want more money for welfare and society’s safety net. Planned Parenthood wants more money for abortions. Senior citizens want more money for Social Security and…

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Former CBO Director slams the President’s budget

By Tom Quiner I have a love-hate affair with the Congressional Budget Office. I appreciate their independence.  They beat up on Republicans and Democrats alike. I think they sometime miss the mark in their projections, though, because they utilize static, rather than dynamic, economic projections.  In other words, they don’t acknowledge that tax increases (or…

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What’s the solution: higher taxes or spending restraint?

By Tom Quiner The Tea Party movement deserves credit for changing the entire national debate on fiscal accountability. More than ever, our two political parties are debating paths to deficit reduction. Republican Congressman, Paul Ryan, has outlined a detailed plan to fiscal sanity by calling for spending restraint. President Obama, after escalating spending to unprecedented…

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