Can teens control their sex drives?

The debate rages.
On one side are those who insist that the simple solution to teen-age promiscuity is more contraception.
On the other side are the abstinence advocates.
One side says its too late for abstinence, that the horses are out of the barn, so to speak. We need to be realistic and deal with the situation at hand with even more training on birth control methods. Even more, some of these same contraception advocates don’t see anything wrong with kids having sex, as long as they use contraception properly. And if that fails, as it so often does, well, just have an abortion.
Big deal.
The abstinence folks disagree and look at kids as human beings with more dignity and self-control that animals. They believe they can begin to corral some of the horses running wild.
I thank everyone from both sides who have weighed in on this discussion, especially the teen-agers.
Here is some great input from another teen, named Ada …

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A Canadian teen shoots straight about sex

A Canadian teenager speaks passionately about contraception: “Fact: Despite a girl at my school being taught about every contraceptive measure you can dream of by both the school and her parents, being told strongly about using them, her and her boyfriend have still had pregnancy scares. Why? Because despite being specifically told this – despite being SPECIFICALLY educated on this subject – and by the way, our education system actually makes us properly apply condoms on wooden you-know-whats, so you can’t call me out on us not having “proper” education – she is just “too lazy” to follow through with it. That’s a teenager for you (and I won’t lie; in other respects, I’m pretty lazy myself). The girl already knows what’s best for her about these issues. Does this stop her from having sex with her boyfriend every other day (often not bothering to use a condom) and smoking marijuana? No.”
She’s just getting warmed up. Keep reading for some eye-opening insights …

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Abstinence adversaries vent

“This is a perfect story to share, it illustrates every point I’d like to make. A 13 year old girl having sex behind her parents back will obviously not have had an open discussion about birth control with them. Someone who gets pregnant while on the pill and using condoms is not using either correctly. I used condoms for almost 20 years with no problems, and then got pregnant within two months of trying for a child. You cannot sell these lies and expect to be taken seriously.”

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Anger at abstinence

The thought of abstinence riles up folks. Quiner’s Diner reader, Olivia, was upset with the subject matter:
“Why is birth control the focus of your article? If your point is that young people are so morally depraved, how will keeping birth control away from them change anything? It won’t teach them morals – that takes actual thinking.”

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Abstinence vs. contraception

“Dear Abby” reveals the false thinking of the Planned Parenthood crowd.
A 15 year old girl wrote Abby last fall: “I’m 15. I have dated since I was 12 but never told my parents and sort of went out of my way to hide it from them. I had sex when I was 13, but was always careful about using birth control. I’m on the pill and always use condoms.”
Before I continue, did you note her use of double protection when engaging in sex? She’s on the Pill AND uses a condom. Please continue for the rest of the story…

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