“Atheism is the opiate of the masses”

Fr. Robert Barron discusses the intellectual vacuity of the modern atheist movement in the video commentary above. Karl Marx famously said that religion is the “opiate of the masses.” Fr. Barron says he got it backwards, that atheism is the opiate of the masses, that it attempts, much like a drug, to mask our deepest longing. And what is that longing?

It is our longing for God, our desire for something beyond the abilities of this world to satisfy…

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Why was God so vicious in the Old Testament?

I received a very tough question: “If God has the ability to change people instantly, why would he need to kill so many men, women [pregnant women], and children like he did throughout the Bible? Why kill so many so violently in a flood when he could have just made them better people?”

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What morals does a Christian have that an atheist lacks?

A Quiner’s Diner reader, Joe, challenged this blog with three provocative questions:
1. There is a man who goes to my sister’s church who is quite upset over this Duck Dynasty ordeal. This is a man who according to Jesus is an adulterer since he has twice divorced (no annulments granted here). Why does no one seem to have a problem with his sins?
2. What morals do you as Christians have that I, an atheist, lack?
3. What laws specifically need to be passed to bring us within God’s Law?
Great questions.
I ran his questions by a cross section of friends whose opinions I respect. I’d like to share some feedback …

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Did Pope Francis really say atheism is a path to salvation?

“Lots of people are criticizing Pope Francis’ teaching earlier this week, as if he’s deviating from the Church’s teaching on the need to proclaim the good news. Contrary to what you may read in the media, please notice, nowhere does he even suggest – much less teach – that avowed atheists are saved. Instead, what he actually says is so obviously true and open to a perfectly fair and benign reading … “

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The war of the religions

Four religions wage war for supremacy of western civilization. Each uses remarkably different tactics to gain converts and exert their control over society.

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Atheist files discrimination lawsuit

In Florida , an atheist created a case against Easter and Passover Holy days. He hired an attorney to bring a discrimination case against Christians and Jews and observances of their holy days. The argument was that it was unfair that atheists had no such recognized days …

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Sainthood for atheists

Will sainthood shake your faith in atheism? Quiner’s Diner has many faithful atheist readers. I appreciate your comments. You keep me on my toes. I hope I make you pause and think once and awhile. I’d like to call attention to the notion of sainthood for the benefit of my atheist readers. In fact, my Protestant and other non-Catholic readers may find this post interesting. Sainthood is in the news …

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