The pro life generation is here

In a single moment, the devastating decline of the human abortion movement was revealed.
As background, yesterday was the 2nd annual Midwest March for Life. Despite lousy weather, despite a dire forecast, the pro life faithful bundled up to proudly march for life.
Des Moines, Iowa, is not known for hospitable weather in mid January. So why march now? Because the event roughly coincides with the anniversary of the Roe v Wade decision which overturned every single state law that protected the preborn.

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Iowa pro-lifers flock to the capitol

As Lincoln and Tad looked on, Iowa pro lifers swarmed the state capitol for the Iowa March for Life. You had the sense that the man who freed the slaves looked on approvingly at the throngs praying to free the preborn from the shackles of “choice.”

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Catholic Church doesn’t rely on opinion polls

By John Rozycki Regarding Peter Leo’s Feb. 14 essay, “Bishop Pates Misses the Mark on Contraception Rule”: He criticizes Bishop Richard Pates for defending the Catholic Church’s position regarding the contraceptive mandate from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Unfortunately, Leo’s argument is based on his misunderstanding of the mandate’s financing and of the…

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