How my newspaper covered the March for Life

I was pleasantly surprised by the coverage the Des Moines Register gave the March for Life in the morning’s paper. They ran a piece written by the U.S. Today which covered the top third of page four. The coverage was by and large good, except for two things …

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A letter from Holly Patterson’s dad

I wrote a recent post titled “RU-486 is poison.” I made reference to a young woman, Holly Patterson, who died a decade ago as a result of taking the RU-486 human abortion pill. The piece appeared in the Des Moines Register on Friday. Her father responded:

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“Quiner intentionally and incorrectly misrepresents” human abortionists

I should be “ashamed and condemned for making hurtful accusations” toward human abortionists. These were the sentiments expressed by letter writer, Rick Smith, in this morning’s Des Moines Register. He was responding to my “love letter” to human abortionists that appeared in the Tuesday edition of the paper. Mr. Smith and fans of human abortion everywhere evidently had their feathers ruffled …

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The Des Moines Register runs a Quiner’s Diner essay

By Tom Quiner Thanks to the Des Moines Register for running last week’s essay, “Transcending Decency.” The retitled piece (“Gosnell trial exposes myths of abortion”) appears in the morning edition of the Des Moines Register. The Register’s readers tend to be left of center in the political spectrum. It will be interesting to see how…

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