Posts Tagged ‘Duck Dynasty’
Gay atheist has much to teach liberal Christians about Christianity
Let us normalize homosexuality.
This is the mantra of many liberal Christians. In the Anglican church, we’ve seen the ordination of an openly gay bishop.
We are seeing this normalization movement filter its way through mainline Protestant churches in the U.S. A journalist for the London Times, Matthew Parish, vigorously disagrees. What makes his viewpoint so interesting is that Mr. Parris is gay … and an atheist.
Read MoreDo sinners have moral standing to judge sin?
By Tom Quiner “There is a man who goes to my sister’s church who is quite upset over this Duck Dynasty ordeal. This is a man who according to Jesus is an adulterer since he has twice divorced (no annulments granted here). Why does no one seem to have a problem with his sins?” I…
Read MoreWords of wisdom from Duck Dynasty
Gay atheist has much to teach liberal Christians about Christianity
The Duck Dynasty debacle reveals how Big Entertainment and Big Media try to marginalize practicing Christians. Even more, main line Protestantism is moving toward an embrace of homosexuality and away from the notion that acting on same-sex desires is sinful. A gay atheist who knows a great deal about Christianity says these Christians are misrepresenting what Christianity really says about homosexuality …
Read MoreCivil War II
We are embroiled in a Civil War. I hope you understand that.
One side will win; the other will lose.
The final battle is taking place, and it will determine whether we remain America … or not.