Join the Fortnight for Freedom. Support religious liberty.

This is the second annual Fortnight called by the U.S. Catholic Bishops. It was precipitated by the Obama Government’s HHS Mandate, which kicks in on August 1st. What is the president saying with his Mandate? Here is what he is saying: human life is a disease. It must be contained. It is not the fruit of loving relationships. It is the hindrance to your fulfillment, not the source of your fulfillment. Even more, the president is saying that willful infertility is healthy.

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The coming Catholic civil disobedience

The U.S. Council of Catholic Bishops are preparing Catholics for civil disobedience. Equating their defense of religious liberty with the civil rights movement of the 1960s, the USCCB has planned a two week event called the Fortnight for Freedom. The Bishops have provided each parish in the U.S. with a bulletin insert that correlates the moral battle for civil rights in the 6os with our current battle to regain the religious liberties stripped away by the Obama Administration …

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