The poverty of the preborn

Joseph was conceived 40 days ago. His parents are worth one billion dollars. Nonetheless, he is poor. Joseph has nothing but the hopes and dreams inherit in the human potential of each of us at conception. Maria also was conceived 40 days ago. Her parents are poor. Nonetheless, she is rich.

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How to understand the high drama of Palm Sunday

Fr. Robert Barron is a gifted theologian. In the video commentary above, he helps modern man understand the high drama of Palm Sunday by linking the event to a critical understanding of the Old Testament. The Jewish audience of the day got it, but do we? …

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Liberal totalitarianism vs. America

By Tom Quiner [youtube=] America’s political Left is working hard to impose their perverse political philosophy on America: Liberal Totalitarianism. It is characterized by increasing government control of all aspects of our life except one. They call for massive new government regulations in running our businesses, in the way our economy is structured, in the…

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Is atheism the new opiate of the masses?

By Tom Quiner [youtube=] A stranger washed my feet last night. This unusual experience took place at the Holy Thursday service at my church last night. Just as Jesus washed the feet of His disciples, we washed each others’ feet in remembrance of the relevance of His actions today. In a short while, I’ll be…

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No Country for Christians

By Tom Quiner [youtube=] My new year was immediately jarred this morning with this report from CBS News: “At least 21 people are dead and nearly 80 wounded after a bomb exploded outside a Coptic Christian church in Alexandria, Egypt, early Saturday. Officials believe a suicide bomber attacked as worshippers were leaving a New Year’s…

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The rage against God

By Tom Quiner [youtube=!] At the age of 15, Peter Hitchens burned his Bible and denied God’s existence. At the age of 58, his older brother, Christopher, wrote a best-selling book, “God is Not Great.” If you didn’t guess, Christopher, too, is an atheist.  However, something happened to younger brother, Peter, along the way. He…

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