Posts Tagged ‘Herman Cain’
The ‘R’ word has lost its punch
The Cain Mutiny
By Tom Quiner I like Herman Cain. But he’s not ready to be President of the United States. I don’t base this opinion on the recent spate of sexual harassment allegations against him. I base it on his ongoing flip flops. I base it on his handling of the crisis his campaign is in right…
Read MoreThe rise and fall of Herman Cain
By Tom Quiner I like Herman Cain. He is an American success story. A guy like that inspires others to be all that they can be. His 9-9-9 tax plan has sparked a vigorous debate on one of the critical issues facing America: how do we tax a nation in a way that is constructive,…
Read MoreHerman Cain’s impressive resume’
By Tom Quiner I received this e-mail today. It is Herman Cain’s resume’. There is a lot more to this man than I ever realized I pass it on without editing for your review. Here’s his bio: Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics. Master’s degree in Computer Science. Mathematician for the Navy, where he worked on missile…
Read MoreHerman Cain’s business savvy is good for America
By Tom Quiner [youtube=] The President’s inexperience is telling. We elected a man with no business experience and minimal Congressional experience. The president appears to be floundering with no clear vision on how to create jobs and restore the economy. I have been impressed recently with Herman Cain’s clear communication, upbeat message, and business savvy.…
Read MoreThe new Emancipation Proclamation
By Tom Quiner Congress passed the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and a president who was a member of the Democratic Party signed it into law. Years later, another Democratic Party President said he simply didn’t like the law, so he refused to enforce it. End of story. Today, a Congressman from South Carolina, James…
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