“A caress of Jesus”

“Washing feet means: “I am at your service”. And with us too, don’t we have to wash each other’s feet day after day? But what does this mean? That all of us must help one another. Sometimes I am angry with someone or other … but… let it go, let it go, and if he or she asks you a favour, do it.”

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PSALM 116: “Our blessing cup is a communion with the Blood of Christ.”

How can you make a return to the Lord? Is there anyway you can actually ‘payback’ the Lord for all the good he has done for you?

Think about it: everything you have is a gift from God: your family, your friends, shelter, food … everything.

What can you possibly do to pay Him back? That is the question posed by the psalmist in Psalm 116 which Roman Catholics traditionally sing/pray on Holy Thursday…

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Human abortion has nothing to do with agape’ love

By Tom Quiner What separates us from the animals? It is man’s ability to love that makes us unique. When I say love, I mean love in all of its multi-faceted and wonderful complexity. When I say love, I don’t mean sex. When I say love, I’m talking about self-giving. The culture’s notion of love…

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“Atheism is the opiate of the masses”

Fr. Robert Barron discusses the intellectual vacuity of the modern atheist movement in the video commentary above. Karl Marx famously said that religion is the “opiate of the masses.” Fr. Barron says he got it backwards, that atheism is the opiate of the masses, that it attempts, much like a drug, to mask our deepest longing. And what is that longing?

It is our longing for God, our desire for something beyond the abilities of this world to satisfy…

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“A caress of Jesus”

Today is Holy Thursday.

The profound richness of the Last Supper comes alive in this, the beginning of the Easter Triduum.

Tonight at Mass, we will wash each other’s feet as a prelude to the Eucharistic sacrifice…

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Atheism rebrands itself as "secularity"

Atheism is a tough sell, so they have re-branded themselves as “secularists.” They held another conference here in Des Moines last week, this time called “Secularity USA.” They are attempting to undercut Christianity by suggesting that Christian parents are kooks who put their kids’ health at stake by relying on faith-healing alone, and won’t let get them vaccinated. Needless, to say that approach doesn’t represent Christianity, just as Stalin, Hitler’s and Mao’s (three famous atheists/secularists) propensity to slaughter millions doesn’t necessarily represent the thinking of all atheists/secularists.
It is interesting, though, how rigid atheists are in their thinking, how fervent they are in their belief that a universe with evidence of intelligent design just kinda popped into existence and created order, intelligence, and beauty …

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A lust for lust

Sex is in the news. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention just revealed that sexually transmitted disease has reached epidemic levels with 110 million Americans having contracted a STD, about a third of the nation. This, by the way, comes in an era when “protected sex” has been promoted over, and over, and over again.
Half of the new infections took place in our youth (15 to 24 year olds).
If anyone would understand this lust for, well, lust, it would be St. Augustine. As Archbishop Sheen said about this beloved Catholic saint …

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