California Catholic bishop supports Trump’s travel ban

“If the experience of terrorism on 9/11 was caused by Chinese people, the ban would have been imposed on China; if it were South Americans coming from South America, the ban would have been on South American nations; again, if it were Africans coming from Africa, the ban would have been on African countries. But it is an established fact that since the mid-1990s almost all terrorists were radical Muslim jihadists from the Middle East.”

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Secure the border first

I’m sympathetic to the plight of “illegals” who come to this country looking for a better life. If I were in their place I would probably do the same thing. I believe there should be eventual passage of this bill on immigration, but FIRST the border has to be made secure.

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Is more big government really the answer?

By Tom Quiner The stock market crashed in October of 1929.  At the time of the crash, the unemployment rate was about 5 percent.  Two months later, it had moved up to nine percent, but dropped back down to 6.3 percent by June of the following year. Unemployment never hit double digits at anytime the…

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