The government’s secret war on you

The Obama Government colluded with private interests to wipe out a politically-incorrect industry.

Details were provided by the Wall Street Journal in their Saturday edition. According to the Journal, a leftwing environmental group, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), was allowed to write new anti-coal regulations for the Environmental Protection Agency.

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The radical, counter-cultural religion liberals try to suppress

Catholics are bad guys.

Their Christ-centric ideology puts them at odds with the power of the State.

Last year, the U.S. Army actually listed us and our evangelical Christian brothers and sisters as religious extremists. Our Commander-in-Chief’s Army actually lumps us into the same category as the Muslim Brotherhood, the Ku Klux Klan, and other groups listed above that truly are extremist.

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The murky transparency of the Obama Government

I read a letter to the editor in my local newspaper a few days ago applauding the coming Obamanet, aka “net neutrality.”

I scratched my head in bewilderment.

Why would anyone cheer new government regulations when the government pointedly has NOT released the 300+ report which details what they intend to do?

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Another Obama deceit exposed

By Tom Quiner You remember President Obama’s straight-faced assertion that penalties associated with Obamacare could not be considered a tax. He snidely mocked his political enemies, who exposed his deceit, in this interview half a decade ago: “My critics say everything is a tax increase. My critics say that I’m taking over every sector of…

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Subversive Catholics

Catholics are bad guys. Their Christ-centric ideology puts them at odds with the power of the State. The U.S. Army actually listed us and our evangelical Christian brothers and sisters as religious extremists. Our Commander-in-Chief’s Army actually lumps us into the same category as the Muslim Brotherhood, the Ku Klux Klan, and other groups listed above that truly are extremist. In fairness, Catholics ARE supposed to be counter-cultural. The Commander-in-Chief’s military knows that. Catholics are called to give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to give to God what is God’s. So what belongs to God?

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The era of Obamagate

Do you trust the Obama government? Conservatives trust it as little as liberals trusted the Bush regime. I think the better question may be, do you trust Big Government?

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