Fight bloodshed with the Blood of Christ

I have a family member living in London.

We hear from her increasingly as violence on the streets of London has become the new normal. A recap of Islamist terrorist attacks in London and surrounding burgs in recent years:

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Muslim terrorists murder more Christians in Egypt this Palm Sunday

In my previous post, I reflected on Psalm 22. Christ Himself invoked the psalmist as He hung on the cross on Good Friday with the lament, “My God, why have you abandoned me?”

Christians living in the Mideast and North Africa surely must feel the same. They are being murdered, raped, burned, and expelled by Muslim persecutors while the West seems to keep their outrage in check.

On this Palm Sunday, 2017, the atrocities continue as ISIS attacked two Coptic Christian churches in Egypt, killing 43 and injuring 100…

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The Pope puts a hit out on Larry David

“My fellow Christians. The American media and entertainment establishment has heaped one blasphemy after another on our faith. We have meekly turned the other cheek time and time again. And where has it gotten us? The blasphemers are only emboldened. Each act of sacrilege is worse than the previous. In the name of God, in the name of Christ, this must stop. Today, I am calling on the faithful to act. The perpetrator of this outrage must be hunted down. He must pay for this atrocity with his life. The honor of Jesus Christ demands it. The dignity of religious faith demands it. And I demand it.”

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We’ve gotten spiritually soft

Even as Christians are raped, tortured, beheaded, and crucified for their faith in the Mideast and portions of Africa; even as Christians are driven from their homes in many parts of the world; and even as state power bullies Christians at home and abroad to keep their faith private, Christians in Europe, the U.S., and Canada don’t fully recognize the horror.


I’d like to say that I do, but I don’t. I/we Western Christians expect the state to protect us. We’ve enjoyed an unusual period in history where religious liberty was prized as a fundamental right. We forged nations grounded in Judeo-Christian values and think this is the way it is everywhere.

But now we’ve gotten soft. And we’re paying the price…

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Will Democrats continue to downplay the ISIS threat?

ISIS’ international carnage in recent months include slaughterous attacks in Egypt, Turkey, Malaysia, Florida, Belgium, Yemen, Indonesia, and Pennsylvania, with multiple attacks in many of the countries mentioned.

These attacks are only ISIS-related, and don’t include all of the attacks and deaths attributed to other Muslim-motivated terrorist groups. [When you include all such attacks, 2055 people were killed in the name of Mohammad last month and another 2006 were injured.]

This leads me to the Democratic National Convention…

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