How my newspaper covered the March for Life

I was pleasantly surprised by the coverage the Des Moines Register gave the March for Life in the morning’s paper. They ran a piece written by the U.S. Today which covered the top third of page four. The coverage was by and large good, except for two things …

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A tidal wave of love warms Washington D.C.

The temperatures may have been frigid, but the weather was no match for the power of love.
Washington D.C. was invaded by hundreds of thousands people for the March for Life today, the single biggest social justice event of the year …

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A third of a generation lost

We need a tomb for the Unborn Baby.
On this dark day, January 22nd, 41 years beyond the Roe v Wade and Doe v Bolton decisions that led to the legalization of abortion in all 50 states for all 9 months of pregnancy, we need to pause …

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Youth flock to the March for Life

It has been noted that youth indeed continue to comprise the lion’s share of March for Life attendance, echoing the trend of the pro-life movement overall. And the pro-life group at the Des Moines- area diocesan school is living proof.

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Unpacking from the March for Life

The 2013 March for life has been over for almost a month now, but I feel like I am still unpacking my bag. It’s not the typical unpacking of your toothbrush and PJ’s, but rather the unpacking spiritually, emotionally, and even physically. The same questions pop through my mind every year before the trip: Why do we go? Is it worth it? Are we making a difference?

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