The high drama of June 2nd

American relations with Poland soared with the election of Lech Walesa in 1990. It took the Obama administration to bring them to a grinding halt. They issued a posthumous Presidential Medal of Freedom to Jan Karski a few years ago. In an act of raw courage, Mr. Karski, a member of the Polish underground, sneaked into a Warsaw Ghetto in 1942 and managed to escape with horrific news: the Nazis were exterminating Jews.

He pleaded for the world to listen, but they ignored him as millions of Jews were executed.

Kudos to the Obama administration for recognizing Mr. Karski’s extraordinary heroism.

But then Team Obama made a bad move: they wouldn’t let Lech Walesa accept the award in place of the late Mr. Karski.

Why? Mr. Walesa was deemed too “political.”

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The Mass that changed the course of the 20th century

Poland had been brutalized by atheism for nearly four decades.
First, Nazism killed one out of five Poles during World War II. Communism wisked in following the war and tried to suck the economic and spiritual life out of a proud, but wounded nation.
As always with collectivist states, the economy tanked. But the Catholic Church refused to bend to the will of the atheists who declared war on religious freedom.
An uneasy truce between Church and State came to a head on June 2nd, 1979.

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December 23rd, 1981

By Tom Quiner [youtube=] Today, international drama rages in the Mideast. During the Reagan years, it raged in Eastern Europe. A dozen days before Christmas in 1981, the communist government in Poland declared marshal law on their citizens. Poles were devastated. President Reagan sprung into action. He called Pope John Paul II and offered support.…

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The Summer of Hope

By Tom Quiner It began on June 2nd.  The year was 1979 when the Alitalia jetliner set down in a land that time forgot for 123 years of its thousand year history.  A Man in White with kind eyes stepped onto the tarmac.  He knelt and kissed the earth. What was he thinking?  How did…

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The Summer of Hope

By Tom Quiner [I was interviewed this morning on KWKY AM radio station about the new musical I am writing and producing, “The Pope of the People.” We begin rehearsals next week. Below is an excerpt from another interview on the subject. In addition, I am re-running the piece I wrote for the Des Moines…

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The Summer of Hope

By Tom Quiner As seen in the Des Moines Register on Saturday, July 24, 2010 It began on June 2nd.  The year was 1979 when the Alitalia jetliner set down in a land that history forgot for 123 years of its thousand year history.  A Man in White with kind eyes stepped onto the tarmac. …

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