"A man for all seasons"

On this feast day for the great St. Thomas More, watch this excerpt from the Academy Award winning film, “A Man for All Seasons.” Paul Scofield won best actor for his portrayal of Thomas More, the man of great conscience …

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Religious freedom is the foundation of the American Dream

You own a bakery. You’re Catholic. You are in love with your faith and strive mightily to live your faith, not just in your private life, but your public life. One day, two men walk in your door and ask you to bake them a “wedding cake.” You tell them that because of your religious convictions, you cannot honor their request, that your faith defines a marriage as being between one man and one woman. The men sue, citing discrimination. Welcome to the flashpoint of modern culture, where tolerance meets intolerance …

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“9 Days that Changed the World” starts at 11AM

By Tom Quiner Religious freedom is the lifeblood of America. In Poland, the Nazis and the Communists did everything they could to stamp out the Catholic Church and to destroy God in the eyes of the people. Pope John Paul II arrived on June 2nd, 1979. He asked the million Poles gathered for Mass a…

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Let us gut the first amendment

The winds of oppression are building to a gale force. The first blast, the HHS Mandate, did grave damage to our freedom of religion. The president and his party were insistent: Catholics had to let go of their religious consciences and begin paying for contraception, abortifacients, and sterilizations. The second blast may be worse …

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Catholic voters shift allegiance to Republicans

A new Pew survey reveals a remarkable shift in Catholic voting preference since 2008. Then, Democrats enjoyed an 8 point advantage with Catholic voters. Since then, they’ve lost 17 points, giving Republicans a nine point cushion with Catholic voters.

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It’s high noon in America

The single, most important idea about the United States of America is easy to determine. It’s all about rights. The Constitution spells it out with the Bill of Rights. The first right, which means it is the most important, is the freedom of religion …

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Welcome, Liam

On Monday, I officially became a grandparent for the first time at Mercy Hospital, the Catholic hospital in town. The confluence of seeing my beautiful grandson on the same day that 43 Catholic dioceses sued the Obama administration left me reeling …

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Why Obama just shot himself in the foot

By Tom Quiner Prior to last week, this year’s presidential sweepstakes was going to pivot on two issues: the economy and fairness. President Obama cannot run on his record, because the economy is not recovering from the recession in a normal way. Although the economy is growing, it is growing at a snail’s pace. And…

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