We can't afford Democrat's cure

Here’s the premise: “give Obama a Democratic Congress and the jobs will come roaring back.”
This is the mantra of liberals, as discussed in my earlier post today.
Is it logical?
I don’t know, because Obama had a liberal, Democratic Congress (forgive the redundancy) his first two years in office. They pursued very specific legislative initiatives in their hope to revive the waning economy and create jobs:

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A day in the life on Facebook

“Shame on Teapublicans like Tom Quiner that think that wanting a Democratic Congress in 2014 can be separated from the outrage we all suffer because of the government shutdown and the sequester.”
This was the final salvo from a Facebook contact who disagreed with my politics.
Here’s the background …

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The Obamacare Effect

Businesses are cutting back the hours they offer their employees to avoid paying health insurance and other benefits. That’s why involuntary part-time jobs increased by 322,000 last month. We are seeing an increase in part time jobs at the same time we are seeing a decline in full time jobs.

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Malaise is here to stay

Unemployment “dipped” to 7.6 percent. If you listened to the news last week, that’s how the mainstream media framed the story. What is the real story?

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The employment rate is in devastating decline

By Tom Quiner The media correctly focuses on the unemployment rate, which has remained high since the economic downturn four years ago. Obamanomics hasn’t been able to mitigate the job carnage. The unemployment rate was  7.8% when Mr. Obama was sworn in, and came in at 8.3% last month. Mr. Obama is touting the progress…

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Two reasons Obamanomics isn’t creating jobs

By Tom Quiner As many of you know, jobs are hard to come by.  The unemployment rate continues to hover near ten percent despite stimulus spending by the Federal Government which will surpass the cost of the Iraq War (see previous post). Nothing the Democrats have done is working.  In fact, the case can be…

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Is more big government really the answer?

By Tom Quiner The stock market crashed in October of 1929.  At the time of the crash, the unemployment rate was about 5 percent.  Two months later, it had moved up to nine percent, but dropped back down to 6.3 percent by June of the following year. Unemployment never hit double digits at anytime the…

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