Layoffs mount as the reality of a 2nd Obama term sinks in

By Tom Quiner Cisco Systems just slashed 1300 jobs. In New Jersey, a retailer of discount designer brands called Daffy’s is shutting down, eliminating another 1300 jobs. The U.S. banking industry said they’ll be laying off another 17,000 jobs this year on top of last year’s 64,000 eliminated jobs. Morgan Stanley is eliminating a 1000…

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Romney critic challenges Obama

” … if politics is to retain any integrity, a line must be drawn at statements and innuendoes that are demonstrably false. That’s happened here. The Obama campaign has distorted the results of a study by the Tax Policy Center, a nonpartisan research group, and created a fictitious $5 trillion tax cut … “

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How Obama opposes the essence of prosperity

By Tom Quiner Innovation breeds bounty. Youth is the juice of innovation. And a low capital gains tax rate opens the flood gates to prosperity. Barack Obama is working hard to slam the gates shut by undoing each of these truisms. Studies of human innovation reveal that our peak creative years are in our youth,…

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The Obamacare “no tax” con

Obamacare stands. In a narrow 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court upheld the key “mandate” provision. The mandate is the funding engine of this sprawling piece of legislation. The public was never presented with a faithful account of what was in this bill. Rather, it was sold with smoke and mirrors. It was based on a con …

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Don’t let the president sucker you

The president and his party insist that tax increases on America’s most productive workers (aka “the rich”) are the only way to right our self-inflicted debt mess. Evidence suggests that is the worst thing we could do …

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The challenge of tax simplification

I would love to see tax simplification. I am a C.P.A. and have difficulty preparing my own return using a computer program! Real income tax simplification means moving to either a low flat tax rate or to significantly lower progressive tax rates with very few, if any, exemptions and deductions. Income from all sources would be taxed under the same rate structure. It we did that, there would need to be thousands of pages of transition rules …

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