Do sinners have moral standing to judge sin?

By Tom Quiner “There is a man who goes to my sister’s church who is quite upset over this Duck Dynasty ordeal. This is a man who according to Jesus is an adulterer since he has twice divorced (no annulments granted here). Why does no one seem to have a problem with his sins?” I…

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The politics of revulsion

The public doesn’t like Democrats. They like Republicans even less.

All of this revulsion doesn’t bode well for Republicans in the latest round of “continuing resolution” discussions to fund the government at sequester-spending levels …

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The era of Obamagate

Do you trust the Obama government? Conservatives trust it as little as liberals trusted the Bush regime. I think the better question may be, do you trust Big Government?

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The case against tax increases

A quick analysis of government spending vs. tax receipts reveals the answer: we have a spending problem, not a revenue problem. Democrats have understandably praised Bill Clinton’s management of the budget. His 2000 budget produced a quarter-of-a-trillion dollar surplus. How did he do it?

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In praise of Gingrich

Presidents get too much blame for a bad economy. They get too much credit when things go well. Bill Clinton loves to make the good economy of the 90s seem like his doing. I’m willing to give him some credit. He deserves some. I like to give a chunk of praise to then-Speaker, Newt Gingrich as well. Clinton and Gingrich made a great team. They kept each side of the aisle honest, which led to a more responsible approach to government spending …

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The Obama normal vs. the Romney prosperity

The real goal of the Romney Plan for a Stronger Middle Class is to create a generation of full employment and growing take home pay. The Romney vision for America is very much like that of Ronald Reagan and Jack Kemp. Like those great conservative leaders, Romney believes that if you have a job and you have rising take home pay, you can take care of your family, work as a volunteer in your neighborhood and build a decentralized free society of enormous potential.

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Newt Gingrich for Secretary of Health and Human Services

Newt Gingrich would approach the mammoth task of reforming HHS as a collaborative effort with the states as opposed to the top down, cram-it-down-your-throat approach preferred by current Secretary of HHS, Kathleen Sebelius, and President Obama. Liberals think that conservatives hate government. I don’t think that is quite correct. Conservatives believe government functions most efficiently the closer it gets to the people it is serving. Mr. Gingrich shares that view …

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Vintage Newt

By Tom Quiner I love to hear this guy speak. Last night, Newt Gingrich characterized President Obama’s speeches as “so deliciously incoherent.” If you missed it, take a couple of minutes to enjoy Speaker Gingrich at his best. [youtube=]

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