Pope Benedict XVI vindicates St. Thomas More

Do you remember a few years ago when Pope Benedict traveled to England?
Do you remember his speech in Westminster Hall?
Fr. Robert Barron discusses the rich irony of the speech in the context of St. Thomas More, whose feast day we celebrate today …

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Civil War II

We are embroiled in a Civil War. I hope you understand that.
One side will win; the other will lose.
The final battle is taking place, and it will determine whether we remain America … or not.

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Why you should attend “9 Days that Changed the World”

Pope John Paul II stepped foot into a spiritual war zone on June 2nd, 1979. The place: his home country, Poland. Atheism was the state religion. Catholicism was the religion of the people. The next 9 days would change the world and lead to the fall of communism as our Pope stared down his nation’s oppressors. You can relive the epic drama by attending “Nine Days that Changed the World” at the Fleur Cinema, 11 AM, October 6th. One showing only …

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Disinvite Obama

For Obama to be seen hobnobbing and glad-handing and all smiles and jokes and pats on the back with Cardinal Timothy Dolan will be a source of great scandal and confusion for untold numbers of Catholic faithful as well as many others of good will …

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A message from Governor Branstad

“While we accept this right [religious liberty] as inalienable, we must never take this right for granted. No person, elected body or institution should be allowed to strip us of this freedom, and should they try, it is our responsibility to stand up to them … “

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Tear down this wall

By Tom Quiner [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjWDrTXMgF8] Twenty-five years ago today was the speech everyone remembers. Ronald Reagan stood at the Berlin Wall and uttered words so politically incorrect that he was reviled by the sophisticates on the Left. Said Mr. Reagan: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.” Watch the video above. Savor the moment once again. This…

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