A Heapin' Plate of Conservative Politics and Religion

by Tom Quiner

A Heapin' Plate of Conservative Politics & Religion

by Tom Quiner

Government unions ask us to sacrifice

By Tom Quiner | May 18, 2010

By Tom Quiner Here’s what I said on my recent post titled, A Tale of Two Protests: “Something’s wrong when public employee unions donate lavishly to one political party, the one that keeps the perks and jobs flowing for these unions, while the rest of America sacrifices and suffers.” Here’s a response I received back: “I agree with you on this, but it was my impression that you felt that…

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Why we need to pass “A Woman’s Right to Know” Legislation

By Tom Quiner | May 13, 2010

By Tom Quiner “What’s a fetus?” That was the question posed by the young woman to an employee of Planned Parenthood.  She asked because she was six to eight weeks pregnant. Here is what Planned Parenthood told her: “The fetus is the developing embryo inside of you.  But at this point, there’s nothing developed at all.  There’s no legs.  No arms.  No head.  No brain.  No heart.  At this point,…

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Does Black Genocide Matter?

By Tom Quiner | May 13, 2010

By Tom Quiner As seen in the Des Moines Register on February 7, 2010 One out of two African-American pregnancies end in abortion. Does it matter? I was advised by a voice I respect that I’m walking into a minefield, that perhaps a white guy shouldn’t be writing about black abortion.  I drove out to the Maple Street Baptist Church to ask Reverend Keith Ratliff about it. Reverend Ratliff, who…

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A Tale of Two Protests

By Tom Quiner | May 7, 2010

Riots broke out in Greece as their lawmakers approved austerity cuts for their profligate government. Who are their rioters?  Tens of thousands of civil servants.  They turned violent in the face of cuts that will affect their pocket books.  These government workers live well.  After 35 years of government service, they can retire at 80 percent of their highest salary.  They enjoy Cadillac health plans, vacations, and other perks that…

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Is new banking regulation a good idea?

By Tom Quiner | May 5, 2010

Wall Street is bad. New government regulation of large financial institutions is good. Right? Not so fast.  Government’s expanded reach into our financial lives has consequences, and some of them are bad.  Before we increase the power of government even more over our economic lives, I encourage you to read the guest column that follows by my son, Mark Quiner.  He is a reporter in the energy industry.

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Wall Street Greed: The True Consumer Advocate

By Tom Quiner | May 5, 2010

By Mark Quiner Public outrage at Wall Street Banks has been apparent for more than a year. Democrats are capitalizing on this opportunity as they seek to pass a financial reform bill that increases regulations on large financial institutions. One of these key provisions being debated is to ban banks from having their own financial derivatives trading desks. This is no time to stifle financial innovation. This is the time…

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Iowa needs tax relief

By Tom Quiner | May 3, 2010

As seen in the Des Moines Register March 21, 2010 I’ve enjoyed a life long love affair with Iowa. I think it’s the best place in America to live. From the beauty of our land to the down-to-earth  people with good values and common sense, Iowa offers me what I want out of life. We’re faced with some problems, though. I’ve had the pleasure of having my oldest son in…

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Grassley knows how to create jobs. Obama doesn’t.

By Tom Quiner | April 29, 2010

When President Obama was sworn in as President, America’s unemployment rate was 8.5 percent.  Fifteen months later, it had climbed to 10.2 percent. When President Obama was sworn in as President, Iowa’s unemployment rate was 6.2 percent.  Fifteen months later, it had climbed to 7.4 percent. The President’s economic initiatives aren’t producing jobs. I wrote the piece that follows for the Des Moines Register last December.  It appeared on December…

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How to create more jobs for America

By Tom Quiner | April 29, 2010

As seen in the Des Moines Register on December 13, 2009 America needs more jobs.  Unemployment is killing us. I know of so many people who have lost their job and many of those still employed feel insecure. The President held a “jobs summit” to look for solutions. I don’t trust the President’s judgment when it comes to creating jobs.  He’s never run a business or even worked in the…

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Does Obamacare require you to pay for abortions?

By Tom Quiner | April 26, 2010

Yes. Despite the furious debate between President Obama and a few conscientious Democrats, like Bart Stupak, you and I are required by force of law to pay taxes that will abort babies. Despite an Executive Order to the contrary, the long anticipated dream of the Democratic Party has been realized.  Tax-payer funded abortions are here. I will point out how the Executive Order is circumvented in a moment.  First, let…

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Why the Tea Party Movement exists

By Tom Quiner | April 23, 2010

One simple chart from the Congressional Budget Office explains why a Tea Party Movement exists. Look at the last bar on the right.  Deficit spending hasn’t inched up, it hasn’t even exploded.  The operative verb is hemorrhaging.  Our budget is hemorrhaging because of spending imposed on America by the Democratic Party. These are partisan deficits. Democrats were justly (if insincerely) critical of excessive government spending during the Bush years.  Heck,…

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Political Correctness vs. Common Sense

By Tom Quiner | April 20, 2010

Imagine you attend a public university. You form a group that stands for something.  It might stand for Jesus. Maybe it’s equal rights or gay marriage or Israel’s right to exist. It doesn’t matter what it is.  You seek members who embrace the same philosophical underpinnings as stated in your group’s charter. You ask the university for the same resources it provides to every other group on campus, such as…

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