The case that could destroy Obamacare

By Tom Quiner [youtube=] Political commentator, Dick Morris, says Obamacare could be destroyed by a court case flying under the radar. The case, Halbig v Sebellius, says that the Affordable Care Act clearly states that health insurance subsidies can only be passed on through state health insurance exchanges, not federal ones. Only 14 states have…

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The Hobby Lobby decision once again points out the peril of mandates

You’re familiar with the con: Obamacare will reduce health insurance premiums by $2500 per year.
That’s what candidate Obama promised. His calculation was remarkably accurate, except for one thing: they went up by $2500 instead of down.
I mention this unsavory $5000 miscalculation by the Obama brain trust in light of the Supreme Court’s decision in favor of Hobby Lobby yesterday.
Most commentators, writers, and bloggers are legitimately noting that this is either a victory for religious liberty, which it is, or a new “war on women,” which, of course, it is not. There has not been enough discussion about the idea of a “mandate” itself…

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"You're stupid!"

Why is Obamacare such a miserable failure? According to Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, it is because the American people aren’t smart enough to properly use the Obamacare exchanges.
The always quotable Mr. Reid says that you …

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Obama admits Republicans were right all along

The president and his party shut down the government last Fall over Republican threats to shut down Obamacare.
Now it is the president who is shutting down the piece of legislature named for him. Needless to say, the Tea Party movement is frustrated. The Wall Street Journal quoted the co-founder of Tea Party Patriots, Jenny Beth Martin, about the president’s fecklessness and fickleness …

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The only people who fear President Obama are Americans

I ran into Iowa’s Insurance Commissioner in the coffee shop this morning. He had good news.
The Obama White House contacted him to inform Iowans that we can keep our existing health insurance policies through 2016, safely beyond the next presidential election.
I couldn’t help but laugh and breathe a sigh of relief at the same time …

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