A Heapin' Plate of Conservative Politics and Religion

by Tom Quiner

A Heapin' Plate of Conservative Politics & Religion

by Tom Quiner

The shallow Bernie Sanders

By quinersdiner | December 27, 2019

Without corporate profits, the retirement portfolios of middle class Americans would dry up and leave us at the mercy of Big Government, which is apparently Bernie Sander’s goal.

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“I am a Catholic?”

By quinersdiner | December 13, 2019

Reporter James Rosen got under Nancy Pelosi’s skin when he asked her:

“Do you hate President Trump”

Speaker of the House Pelosi lashed back:

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More than a swamp: a cesspool

By quinersdiner | December 11, 2019
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The Democrats’ last straw

By quinersdiner | December 10, 2019
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An aggressive assault on virtue

By quinersdiner | October 24, 2019

By Tom Quiner Virtue is in the news, and people are outraged. As we wrote on Tuesday, Attorney Bill Barr gave a sweeping speech at Notre Dame University on religion and virtue and their role in the American “experiment.” Barr described the Founders’ vision for our republic: “They would leave “the People” broad liberty, limit the coercive power of the government, and place their trust in self-discipline and the virtue…

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AOC weighs in on Roe v Wade

By quinersdiner | October 24, 2019
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How can you tell when Hillary is lying?

By quinersdiner | October 22, 2019

Reply if you know the answer.

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Watch the first two minutes of Andrew Klavan’s show for a good laugh. Just do it.

By quinersdiner | October 21, 2019
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The oddity of abortion politics

By quinersdiner | October 17, 2019

By Tom Quiner This election cycle is producing increasingly odd and disturbing abortion politics. The most recent Democratic debate gave us a glimpse at the breathtaking pace Democrats are pulling away from the ‘moderate’ positions staked about by Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Let’s review abortion politics in a rapid fire Q & A format: When does life begin? QUESTION: Do Americans think it is important to understand ‘when life begins’…

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Better idea: ban the looney Left

By quinersdiner | September 11, 2019
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How to destroy a nation

By quinersdiner | August 20, 2019

By Tom Quiner The best way to destroy America is to lie about race. Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris made the choice to disseminate a lie for personal gain, knowing it would foment even more racial discord. They characterized the death of Michael Brown (of Ferguson, Missouri fame) as a murder by a cop. Here’s Harris: “Michael Brown’s murder forever changed Ferguson and America. His tragic death sparked a desperately…

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Beware big spending Republicans

By quinersdiner | August 7, 2019
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