A Heapin' Plate of Conservative Politics and Religion

by Tom Quiner

A Heapin' Plate of Conservative Politics & Religion

by Tom Quiner

Words of wisdom from Joe Biden

By quinersdiner | March 25, 2020

REPORTER: “Are you at all concerned, as President Trump said, we cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself?” JOE BIDEN: “We have to take care of the cure that will make the problem worse no matter what”

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Planned Parenthood is “life-affirming.” Seriously?

By quinersdiner | March 24, 2020

By Tom Quiner Non essential business have shutdown, or are in the process of doing so to protect human life during the Coronavirus crisis. This is occurring coast-to-coast. Coronavirus infections are soaring. According to data from a variety of sources, including the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control, we have 51,215 confirmed cases in the U.S. Six-hundred and fifty-eight people have died, for a 1.28% fatality rate.…

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What kind of people #CelebrateAbortionProviders?

By quinersdiner | March 10, 2020

“If you are celebrating #CelebrateAbortionProviders that’s the same as if you were in 1940 celebrating Nazi Concentration Camp Doctors Day. The slaughter of innocent human persons should never be celebrated. I would rather celebrate having hemorrhoids. Shame.”

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Weekends with Sleepy Joe

By quinersdiner | March 10, 2020
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By quinersdiner | March 5, 2020
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Should abortion facilities have admitting privileges?

By quinersdiner | March 4, 2020

The Supreme Court heard June Medical Services v. Russo this morning. The Court will decide if a state (Louisiana, in this case) has the right to require abortion clinics to have admitting privileges to a hospital before they can perform human abortions in their clinics.

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Bernie’s love affair with Fidel

By quinersdiner | February 27, 2020

Ready … aim … fire!

These were the last words Howard F. Anderson ever heard. He was executed by firing squad per the orders of Fidel Castro. He refused a blindfold so he could bravely stare down his executioners. He whistled a tune before the first bullet pierced his heart, ending his life.

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Political winner of the week

By quinersdiner | February 6, 2020

President Trump is a big winner this week after his State of the Union address revealed how conservative governance is more compassionate than the radical agenda touted by the Democratic Party.

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Encouraging news for Trump haters

By quinersdiner | January 21, 2020

  Opponents of President Trump define themselves as being more compassionate than the president. Maybe they’re right. Setting aside their plans for higher minimum wages, higher taxes, and higher abortion rates, these empathetic enemies of the economic ennui among working class Americans that so defined the Obama years have got to be cheering the good news in the graphic above. President Trump’s policies of lower taxes and lower Big Government…

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“Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”

By quinersdiner | January 20, 2020

By Tom Quiner On this Martin Luther King Day, pro-lifers speculate on whether Reverend King was pro-life or not. The Martin Luther King quote below is worthy of contemplation: “Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of reality.” Think about the quote in the context of human abortion…

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Different foreign policy strategies

By quinersdiner | January 14, 2020
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Iran’s consistent foreign policy

By quinersdiner | January 8, 2020
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