A Heapin' Plate of Conservative Politics and Religion

by Tom Quiner

A Heapin' Plate of Conservative Politics & Religion

by Tom Quiner

How Iowa celebrates Independence Day

By Tom Quiner | July 3, 2010

By Tom Quiner What better way to celebrate this great nation’s independence than with American song and fireworks! I attended the Yankee Doodle Pops concert at the footsteps of the Iowa Capital on July 1. The weather was perfect.  Our Capitol’s gold dome glistened with pride in the early evening sunlight.  Thousands streamed in with their blankets, folding chairs, and kids in tow. The music was pure Americana, almost. The…

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Was Jesus Real?

By Tom Quiner | July 2, 2010

By Tom Quiner Lee Strobel was an atheist who came to believe in Jesus after spending two years trying to disprove His divinity. Be sure to watch the video from my previous post where Mr. Strobel, a former reporter for the Chicago Tribune, talks about his surprising findings about Christ. C.S. Lewis was another atheist who did not want to believe in Jesus. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZS3thuSHUYg&feature=related] His friend, J.R.R. Tolkien of Lord…

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Is the Bible true?

By Tom Quiner | July 2, 2010

By Tom Quiner Liberal comedienne, Janeane Garofalo, recently called the Bible a “work of fiction.”  Watch … [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nt5xruQBQ98&feature=player_embedded#!] I don’t know how much Ms. Garofalo has read, studied, or even contemplated the Bible.  But I mention her quote because she will influence a certain segment of her audience with her dismissive attitude of the most fascinating book ever written. Is it true, though? Is the drama of God’s gradual revelation…

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Promote humanity

By Tom Quiner | June 30, 2010

By Tom Quiner Abortion dehumanizes society. Pornography dehumanizes society. Increasingly, even political discourse is dehumanizing, vicious, and divisive.  It seems to me that the march of civilization should be in the direction of doing and saying things that make this world a more humane place. Our march is slow. Is Ann Coulter really advancing the cause of a humane world with rhetoric like this: “My only regret with Timothy McVeigh…

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A triumph for political correctness

By Tom Quiner | June 29, 2010

By Tom Quiner The Supreme Court has decided:  Christian college students who wish to form a group sanctioned by Universities are not allowed to require that their members be Christian.  Even more, Christian groups may not require that their members abide by Christian principles. All of this came about because of the court’s decision in the case of Christian Legal Society v. Martinez.  Read the background on the case on…

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Common sense made difficult

By Tom Quiner | June 28, 2010

By Tom Quiner The “King of Pork” is dead. Senator Robert Bird of West Virginia died today.  I will leave it to others to honor (or pillage) his illustrious career.  I would, though, like to analyze the essence of Obamanomics in light of Mr. Byrd’s passing. Mr. Byrd was an unapologetic supporter of pork barrel spending.  He considered his proudest achievement the billions of dollars he brought to West Virginia…

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Democrats owe Americans an honest budget

By Tom Quiner | June 24, 2010

By Tom Quiner Is America heading in the right direction or the wrong direction? According to poll results at www.RealClearPolitics.com, 61.7 percent of Americans say we’re heading in the wrong direction.  One year ago, the number was 48 percent. Why is dissatisfaction growing? Certainly some of the biggest concerns are runaway deficits and the unprecedented expansion of the federal government under President Obama and a Democratic Congress. Moderate Americans are…

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Let us reconsider ObamaCare

By Tom Quiner | June 23, 2010

Last March 18th, Richard Foster, chief actuary for the Center Medicare and Medicaid Services, presented with Congress’ 2700 page health care bill. His job was to assess the impact ObamaCare would have on America. Unfortunately, Congress wasn’t interested in waiting for his analysis.

…We’ve been sold a bill of goods. ObamaCare tries to cheat the laws of supply of demand instead of letting supply and demand control costs and increase access to healthcare.

According to Medicare’s actuary, according to the Congressional Budget Office, according to health care benefit professionals, America will be poorer and unhealthier under ObamaCare.

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Is more big government really the answer?

By Tom Quiner | June 21, 2010

By Tom Quiner The stock market crashed in October of 1929.  At the time of the crash, the unemployment rate was about 5 percent.  Two months later, it had moved up to nine percent, but dropped back down to 6.3 percent by June of the following year. Unemployment never hit double digits at anytime the first year after the stock market crashed. And then the rate began to go up,…

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Does the President have common sense?

By Tom Quiner | June 18, 2010

By Tom Quiner An earnest Obama supporter looked me in the eyes shortly after the last election and said, “Obama, he’s just smarter than the rest of us.” End of story.  In other words, there’s no further debate necessary.  If one disagrees with President Obama, they’re wrong, because Mr. Obama is smarter than the rest of us. Candidate Obama immodestly promoted this kind of fawning fanship with his own grandiose…

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Be Kind

By Tom Quiner | June 15, 2010

By Tom Quiner I’d like to talk about two persons, both nameless. Before I talk about them, let me share two things, or rather two ideas.  The first idea comes from the man who help to lay the foundations of Western philosophy and science.  His name is Plato.  As you know, he is the famous classical Greek philosopher who died in 347 BC.  Here is what he said: “Be kind,…

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Modern Auschwitz

By Tom Quiner | June 12, 2010

By Tom Quiner The Nazis exterminated 4 million human beings in Auschwitz. Pope John Paul II visited the site on June 8th, 1979.  His remarks are immediately relevant.  The late-great John Paul said: “Can it still be a surprise to anyone that the Pope born and brought up in this land, the Pope who came to the see of Saint Peter from the diocese in whose territory is situated the…

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